
Blog categorized as News

Why organizations must take a proactive data protection & security approach?

23.04.24 06:59:29 By Annexus Technologies - Comment(s)
Why organizations must take a proactive data protection & security approach?

Data protection entails safeguarding crucial data from loss, corruption, or unauthorized access. It is paramount for organizations to fortify their data defenses, as data serves as a cornerstone for business operations and decision-making.

Proactive Data Protection

Ransomware poses one of the gravest ...

Navigating Cloud Architecture

23.04.24 06:39:05 By Annexus Technologies - Comment(s)
Navigating Cloud Architecture

Navigating the world of cloud computing can be overwhelming, but this guide aims to demystify the topic by providing a comprehensive overview of cloud architecture. From key components and concepts to various models, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions ab...

Smart Video Surveillance with Annexus Technologies and Eagle Eye Networks

23.04.24 03:22:16 By Annexus Technologies - Comment(s)
Smart Video Surveillance with Annexus Technologies and Eagle Eye Networks

At Annexus Technologies, we are dedicated to empowering businesses with reliable and innovative IT solutions. That's why we're thrilled to announce our partnership with Eagle Eye Networks, offering cutting-edge smart video surveillance solutions. These solutions not only future-proof investments but...

Do You Really Need IT Consulting Services? Here's What You Need to Know

23.04.24 02:20:06 By Annexus Technologies - Comment(s)
Do You Really Need IT Consulting Services? Here's What You Need to Know

Statistics reveal that businesses leveraging IT consulting report an average revenue increase of 47%. This underscores the critical role that IT consulting plays in today's ever-evolving business world. Information Technology (IT) is no longer merely a support system; it is the driving force behind ...

Revolutionizing Jamaica's Digital Landscape with Starlink

15.04.24 15:24:17 By Annexus Technologies - Comment(s)
Revolutionizing Jamaica's Digital Landscape with Starlink

Is connectivity merely a convenience, or is it an absolute necessity in today's rapidly evolving world? Despite significant technological advancements, a considerable portion of Jamaica's population still lacks reliable Internet access. In an era where staying connected is no longer a luxury but an ...


